Lavender Plants - Pre-Order
Lavender Plants - Pre-Order
Lavender Plants - Pre-Order
Lavender Plants - Pre-Order
Lavender Plants - Pre-Order
Lavender Plants - Pre-Order
Lavender Plants - Pre-Order
Lavender Plants - Pre-Order
Lavender Plants - Pre-Order
Lavender Plants - Pre-Order

Lavender Plants - Pre-Order

正常价格 $17.50 保存$-17.50


We are super excited to share the news that our former farm has new owners, Between the Vines.  During 2024 they will be busy planting lots of lavender as well as other crops (we'll let them tell you their dreams when you visit).

We are partnering with Between the Vines to allow you to pre-order your lavender plants for pick up in late May!  Order now - and pick up at 223 Weirs Lane when we send you the message!  Please note -- plants cannot be shipped.  You must pick up (Dundas, Ontario). Pick up of plants will be ready from May 17th onwards at 223 Weirs Lane. We'll send you details of location and hours closer to the date.

If you are wanting to purchase other products, we recommend your ordering those products as a separate order. 

Choose from the following options. Note these are quart sized plants which permits them to establish quickly in your garden.


A French lavender (L. Intermedia) wih striking silver foliage and lower in camphor than most French lavenders.  Height is 24-30 inches and a spread of 30-36 inches.  This is a recent variety with large, densely flowered spikes. Considered to be heat and humidity tolerant while also being able to deal with our winters. A darker lavender colour.


A French lavender (L. Intermedia) developed in 2012 to be a hardy French lavender with tolerance to heat and humidity while surviving Ontario winters. Height is 24-32 inches with a spread of 24 to 32 inches. A darker lavender colour.


A French lavender (L. Intermedia) that is brand new with white flowers. This plant is akin to the Phenomenal (height and spread).


An English lavender (softer scent, smaller plant).  Height 12-18 inches and spread 18 inches.  A dark lavender.  The deep purple flowers of hidcote makes it one of the most popular English lavenders.  


An English lavender (softer scent, smaller plant).  Height 12 inches and spread 12-18 inches. When in bloom the flowers are light lavender.  If you are looking for a watercolour look in your garden, we recommend planting both hidcote and munstead.

Some tips for growing lavender. 

Find a spot in full sun, which is considered 6 or more hours of direct sunlight per day. Lavender does not do well in shady locations.

Dig a hole about twice the size of the root ball, then place the plant in at the same level it was in the container. Backfill the soil and tamp down. Make sure to leave plenty of space between lavender plants, too, because they don’t like to be crowded together. Consider adding a few stones at the bottom of the hole to encourage good drainage.

Water your plants well after planting and occasionally throughout the first season to help the roots get established. It’s better not to mulch, however. Lavender likes dry environments and mulching keeps the roots too wet.

Also, don’t bother to fertilize. Fertilizing can produce weak growth that is vulnerable to winter kill.

Prune the lavender once or twice a year.  After flowering or at the beginning of the season (after the danger of frost has passed) - rule of thumb is 2 inches above the wood to shape it like a ball and to discourage it getting too leggy.  Note in the spring time, it can take lavender a while to wake up -- be patient before you pull it out (in the spring it can look like it died but as the days get longer and warmer the plant will come back to life!) .. If you are not sure, gently scrape a wood part with a fingernail to see if there is green underneath.


如果在房子周围使用(我们的亚麻喷雾剂、房间喷雾剂、香囊、房屋清洁剂...请参阅房屋系列...那么我们倾向于使用法国薰衣草(Lavandin)。这是一种强烈的尖锐气味,因此会持续存在有时我们会用一点英国薰衣草(例如我们的房间喷雾)来软化法国薰衣草,如果使用干花进行装饰 - 您会发现我们同时提供英国和法国薰衣草......参见 干花






有兴趣了解更多有关我们产品中使用的油的信息吗? 单击此处转到我们的油品页面。我们通常所说的“薰衣草”不只一种——种类有很多!关于什么是薰衣草、什么不是薰衣草,人们存在很多困惑,包括对许多拉丁名称进行分类。



  • 据信可以帮助您放松、睡眠、缓解身体疼痛、缓解焦虑,并可能促进血液流动。
  • 被认为是一种防腐剂,可以清洁身体和家庭
  • 可以帮助驱除飞蛾、蜘蛛和其他昆虫

英国薰衣草,Lavandula angustifolia

北美最受欢迎、最顽强的花园薰衣草。薰衣草品种(例如 Munstead、Hidcote、Royal Velvet、Vera)来自“真正的”品种,具有最多的药用特性。这是更适合烹饪的薰衣草,但并非所有品种都适合烹饪。它的花香更甜,因为它含有较少的樟脑(比法国的)。



法国薰衣草(Lavandin)品种(例如格罗索薰衣草、普罗旺斯薰衣草、巨型希德科特薰衣草、现象薰衣草)是英国薰衣草和穗状薰衣草品种的杂交品种。 Abrialii 一直是法国工业的中流砥柱,直到 20 世纪 70 年代,它受到一种疾病的蹂躏。 Grosso 于 1972 年被发现,目前是主要品种。然而,迅速崛起是现象级的。法国薰衣草植物是更大的植物(每株植物生产更多的薰衣草)。香气甜,略带樟脑香。法国薰衣草香味因其芳香特性而被更多地使用,并被认为适合清洁产品和旨在使您的家居清新的产品。由于法国薰衣草樟脑含量高,可能有助于缓解鼻窦和打鼾问题。据认为,法国薰衣草精油不应被妊娠早期的孕妇或癫痫患者使用。





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